Give Back Program

Greater Call

When our founder Alex Clark first started to dream about having his own business it was already clear that he wanted his business to have a greater call beyond the services and solutions greater cue integrations now provides to its rapidly growing customer base.


Greater Mission

There is something so motivating about giving. Especially giving to an organization that equips people to grow and become givers as well. You get to see the seed grow into maturity and multiply on its own.


Safari Mission

We are pleased to have started our greater mission with a safari mission. A phenomenal or results oriented and empowering force that is greatly changing many lives in East Africa.


Greater Purpose

We come to discover that having a purpose greater than your own basic needs has an astounding effect on an individual and a business.


Greater Impact

We have an aim to impact places we have yet been and impact lives in a greater number than we can do on our own as a sole individual.


Greater Change

Greater change is not only about giving, it is about breaking down barriers in the minds of the people you are giving to. “Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you him for a lifetime.


Greater Plan

Greater Cue Integrations is already devising a plan to use its future milestones at launching points for a bigger and further reaching give back program


Greater Future


Greater Giving